Thursday, 5 March 2009

work work work and more work

Whoooot managed to move halls about a week ago, granted this had made things with uni even more hectic. Loving my new flat but it further from uni so now get up at 6am (its still dark sighs….)

My life at the minute is just one long to do list

-black belt grading to prepare for

-Cell biology lab report

-Lab skills lab report x 2

-Cell biology test to revise for

-Pharmacology test to revise for

Off to taekwondo tonight then going to try and burn some midnight oil and get the introduction for cell biology finished.

Had a meeting about work experience today and it looks like the GP practice will be willing to take me on find out defiantly on 23rd. No news on the job front which is a shame but ill just keep trying. 40+letters to get 1 work experience placement god this med application is physically demanding.

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