Saturday, 26 September 2009

Doing a degree you dont want to do!

I really intended to write this when Alevel results came out but never got round to it so here goes.

For some you this week will have been the 1st of many at medical school for some it will be the start of a gap year and for others it will be the start of a degree that you really don’t want to do. This time last year I was in the later group, I had drastically missed my medical school offer and was faced with giving up medicine or trying for graduate entry.

As anyone who actually read this blog know I decided on graduate entry and got a place at Sunderland University on Biomedical Science Bsc through clearing. A year today I was sat in my halls flat looking forward to Monday my 1st day of lectures. A year later im sat at home still looking forward to Monday. Its been a difficult but successful year to be 100% honest I haven’t really done much to benefit my application but have a lot lined up for the coming year. Im now a HCA and a volunteer with St Johns ambulance.

I guess what im trying to say is that bad Alevel results aren’t the end of the world and if you are starting a degree that you don’t really want to do still go into it with your heart set on getting a 1st and try to enjoy yourself.

I have an uncle who is a doctor and he had already bought me a stethoscope for results day last year sadly i havent got to use it yet but when I found it the other day it reminded me why I work so hard at my degree.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello, i found this blog through TSR and I thought i'd comment on this post because i was in a similar situation a few years ago with regards to studying a degree that i didn't want to do. During my A levels i wasn't sure what to study so i ended up doing natsci at Bath, but medicine was always something i had considered. Now that i've graduated, i've decided to apply for medicine and i'm sort of in a gap year as i'm doing some temp work.

Although i studied a degree i didn't want to do, i still enjoyed myself and feel that i matured and am now more aware of the academic requirements of studying at university level. Hopefully, these are just some of the things that you'll experience at uni, which should put you in good stead for entry into medical school.